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Community Service

Our program is passionate about the Farmington and Farmington Hills Communities. Below are some highlights in the community from our year thus far! We look forward to continuing to find new ways to be involved and give back to our communities as we grow.

Holiday Festivities

We were excited to take part in the Farmington Holly Days festivities and the Farmington Hills Tree Lighting Ceremony to kick off the tree lighting for the 2019 holiday season!


Tribute to Veterans and Soldiers

Working with the Groves-Walker American Legion Post to support our community in remembering those who we have lost

We were able to help in a ceremony to lay a wreath in Memorial Park in Farmington. We were honored to support those who have served, and our Miss Farmington 2018 was invited back to sing the National Anthem for the ceremony.


Celebrating Reading at Gill Elementary School

Reading is special to Emma, who has seen how important it is to integrate in young peoples lives. She started her own charity GIRLS to bring books to girls in Detroit and hopes to expand this charity. She was excited to read at Gill Elementary School during their book fair to promote literacy in our community!


Patriots Day Ceremony

We were honored to take part in the Patriots Day Ceremony hosted by American Legion Post 346. Our Miss Farmington 2018 and two of her choral friends sang the National Anthem in the ceremony.

Remembering Ginny Morris at Farmington Place

We love being with the residents at Farmington Place, they each have so many stories to share with us. This year we brought some treats with us and spent the evening reminiscing about some of our favorite memories and lessons from Ginny around her birthday. We were also excited to visit and spread holiday cheer in December!


Memorial Day

Working with the Groves-Walker American Legion Post to support our community in remembering those who we have lost

We had a busy day on Memorial Day working with the Groves-Walker American Legion Post #346. We served breakfast in the morning, and out contestants passed out poppies and collected donations for the Legion Post during the parade while our Miss Farmington 2018 was featured in the parade. Finally we all spent the afternoon wrapping hotdogs for a community lunch at the American Legion Post.

Overall we helped them to raise $900 in raffle items and $200 from tip jars to support the American Legion. Our girls also made and served all 500 hotdogs purchased for lunch!

Miss Farmington 2018 and the 2019 Contes

Miss Farmington 2018 and the 2019 Contestants at the Groves-Walker American Legion Post #346. Pictured Left to Right: Dale Baxter- Post 346 Commander; 2019 Contestants and Miss Farmington 2018; Mike LaFave- Post 346 Poppy Chairman

Miss Farmington 2018 and the 2019 Contes

Governor Warner Mansion Porch Party:Turn of the Century Picnic

Helping to serve food to patrons at this gorgeous historic home in Downtown Farmington

Our girls help in any way they can, this month they served hot dogs at the picnic, and set up and tear down as needed. We love working with those in the community and learning more about the history of our town at such a picturesque historic home.


Opening of the Summer Market

Our favorite first sign summer is coming!

Our Miss Farmington 2018 sang the National Anthem on Saturday morning to kick off the beginning of the season of the Farmington Artisan Markets. Our 2019 contestants enjoying helping collecting donations for the market's raffle basket and helping to volunteer for the market anywhere help was needed.

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